Click here if you are looking for Froq 2.


On this page you can download a trial version of Froq 3. Please read this page carefully before downloading the application.


Read the System requirements before downloading the application.

Press the App Store button to view / purchase Froq in the Mac App Store. Click the 'Download Froq 3 trial' button if wish to download a trial first. Using the trial version you can try out Froq 3 for a 30 day period.

Latest version 3.2 (47.1MB, Mac OS X 10.9-10.13)
To see what's changed, read the release notes.

Froq 3 system requirements

  • Mac OS X 10.9.5 (Mavericks), Mac OS X 10.10.3 (Yosemite), Mac OS X 10.11.0 (El Capitan), MacOS 10.12 (Sierra). MacOS 10.12 (Sierra) or later recommended
  • 64bit Intel processor
  • Min of 2GB RAM, 4GB preferred when using larger databases
  • Database access (consult your local DBA for connection information)
  • Minimal database versions that Froq has been tested with, Froq may work on previous versions, but this can not be guaranteed:
    • Oracle 9i
    • MySQL 5
    • PostgreSQL 8.0.8
    • SQL Server 9.0
  • TouchBar functionality requires an Apple Computer with TouchBar.

Please note that not all features may work on your database, as these may differ per database type, newer versions or activated optional components. Also note that for most issues you may encounter your local database administrator could provide more insights.