EU Sale restrictionsCertain products not available for purchase
The store at Colourful Apps can no longer sell products to customers residing in the European Union.
Due changes in tax laws across the EU, small eCommerce companies are not able to sell products to other countries in the union without maintaining a disproportionate administrative burdon. Colourful Apps has decided not to take that hurdle and work towards an alternate software distribution model.
Affected products
The affected products are now only available to customers residing in the Netherlands or outside the European Union. The affected products are:
- Froq
- Photo Desktop
In the future we hope to offer these products by means of other payment options or alternate distribution methods.
Unaffected products
Products sold through the Apple AppStore are not affected and can by purchased through there. Free products, including shareware and trial applications can still be downloaded on this site. There products are:
- Touch Rummy
- Touch Rummy HD
- Squeakies
- Dashboard Kickstart
- Juice
- Dashlock
- Photo Desktop - limited shareware version
- Froq - 25 day trial version
We apologize if this change affects you in any way.